On Saturday I shot an absolutely gorgeous wedding at Grand Tradition in Fallbrook, CA, with Silvia of Cara Mia Studio. The couple, Michelle and Simon, wanted a group shot of the entire wedding party. A staff member was kind enough to tip me off that I could get to the top of the waterfall. "Make a left at that palm tree and go behind those bushes," he tells me while pointing. So I climb up there, and as I look down I see that there is no way to get a clean shot--unless I get INTO the waterfall. I start taking off my shoes and socks to get in, yelling down to Silvia and everyone else that I'm going in. Apparently, everyone thought I was nuts. I got in and everyone was cheering me!! How cool is that?!? Getting cheered on by 100 plus people at a wedding? It was awesome!! Silvia nailed a shot of me before crouching down behind some guests so that she wouldn't get in the shot. At right is Barbara, a photog that Silvia is training. I'll do almost anything to get the shot for a client :-)