Sunday, June 22, 2008

Three two-bride weddings :-)

Unless you have been living in a cave (hiding with bin Laden?), you probably heard that same gender weddings are now legal in California. There will no doubt be continued legal wrangling on both sides of the issue, especially with a divisive proposition on November's ballot.

Some people are uncomfortable with the issue. I'm not. I want to shoot weddings of people in love, regardless of their sexual orientation, race, or religion. In a world full of so much pain and sadness, love in all colors, shapes, and forms deserves to be celebrated :-)

So on Tuesday June 17, I shot 2 wedding ceremonies in West Hollywood Park, both with 2 brides. The city of We Ho had set up shop in the park and an auditorium for the express purpose of issuing marriage licenses and performing civil ceremonies because the demand was so high. The LA Times has some great coverage of events around the State.

I went back Saturday to shoot Sandy and Nancy's wedding. It was awesome! I have great pictures to prove it! I'll post more throughout the week :-)



gay wedding picture West Hollywood June 2008gay wedding picture West Hollywood June 2008gay wedding picture West Hollywood June 2008

two bride wedding picture West Hollywood California June 2008

two bride wedding picture West Hollywood California June 2008

two bride wedding picture West Hollywood California June 2008pictures of two bride wedding ceremony West Hollywood California June 2008pictures of two bride wedding ceremony West Hollywood California June 2008


Jaci Clark said...

Great images, Michael. I LOVE the excitement of the first one. It captures the moment perfectly! Congrats to all your newly wedded couples!!!


Jill Myers said...

Shot #3 with the hugging in the background and crying bride is priceless!