Tuesday, May 27, 2008

We interupt our regularly scheduled broadcast.........

One of the blogs I check out regularly belongs to Jules Bianchi (you'll see her on my blog roll). Jules is a realllllllllllllly cool human being and a great photographer :-)

She had this contest about sharing photography tips, and I won a really cool DVD by Kevin Kubota! Kevin is a photographer and software master/author.

Here's what I wrote about. It may or may not make much sense--it depends how much (if anything) you know about photography.

I'm so stoked!! I'm currently using a PC (long story) and I can't wait to switch (back) to a Mac. The DVD will be very helpful when I make the transition and start using Lightroom regularly.

Thanks, Jules!


Edit: just want to say that there was no conspiracy here! Jules did not have the names of anyone who submitted an entry (her sister, Joy had all of the info), so she was happily surprised when she found out the entry was mine :-)

1 comment:

joy bianchi brown said...

Michael, congratulations! We are so happy for you. :)